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Volunteer with Us

Volunteer opportunities for members and non-members

We are committed to providing services and activities that are safe for all children, where child abuse and harm are not tolerated. Child safety is a priority for the TSAA and the prevention and reporting of abuse is supported and encouraged. All staff, volunteers and contractors are responsible for promoting the safety, wellbeing and empowerment of children. All children who seek support from the TSAA have a right to feel and be safe. The TSAA recognises that discrimination can harm children and we treat all children with dignity and respect.

Everyone who volunteers with us must complete the TSAA's Child Safety training program and sign our Child Safety & Wellbeing Code of Conduct.  Any volunteer in a child-facing role (including accessing child data) must have a valid Working With Children Check (or equivalent in their jurisdiction).

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia.  Make a difference and join our team of volunteers.

Volunteer opportunities for members are advetised through the TSAA's quarterly newsletter and via email.  We are always looking for members to volunteer to provide peer support as phone volunteers, support group leaders and mentors - click here for more details.

Volunteer opportunities that are available to members and non-members are advertised through Seek Volunteer.

TS Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia

Copyright Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc. is a registered Australian Charity

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